Get INvolved

Work with us and for us


Our ideal candidates for employment are college students & teens in Texas focusing on child development or education who can work full-time during the summer and part-time during the school year. Please send resumes to:

Giving of your time


There are many volunteer job opportunities for teens in Texas at McDonald Ranch working with animals, children or being on our board of directors. We also need skilled labor and appreciate the help of those seeking community service hours as well. Please call, text or e mail for more information.

Make a difference

Become a member

Members of McDonald Ranch are truly like extended families. The ranch can be opened to members for special events like birthday parties or other events. If you would like to support our efforts to serve animals and children, please give us a call about membership opportunities.

Want to be a part of

Getting Involved and Contacting Us

If you would like to become involved with the program as a volunteer, board member or would like more information about McDonald Ranch, Texas, please give Linda McDonald a call. Need more information?